energy and commerce committee

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The Energy and Commerce Committee is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives with jurisdiction over a wide range of issues related to energy, commerce, and trade. The committee is responsible for considering legislation and conducting oversight of the executive branch in these areas. It is one of the most powerful committees in the House, with a broad portfolio that includes energy production and regulation, environmental protection, telecommunications, and consumer protection. The committee also has jurisdiction over the internet, healthcare, and transportation.

The Energy and Commerce Committee was established in 1795 as the Committee on Commerce and Manufactures. It was renamed the Committee on Energy and Commerce in 1975. The committee is composed of 53 members, including a chairman, a ranking member, and 51 other members. The membership of the committee is divided evenly between the two major political parties. The committee’s chairman and ranking member are elected by the full House of Representatives.

Energy and Commerce Committee

Powerful congressional committee

  • Energy policy
  • Environmental protection
  • Consumer protection

Oversees broad range of issues

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Energy policy

The Energy and Commerce Committee plays a major role in shaping U.S. energy policy. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of energy issues, including energy production, regulation, and conservation. It also has oversight of the Department of Energy and other federal agencies involved in energy policy.

In recent years, the committee has been focused on addressing climate change and promoting the development of clean energy sources. The committee has also been working to reform the nation’s energy infrastructure and to ensure the reliability and affordability of energy supplies.

The committee’s work on energy policy is important for a number of reasons. First, the United States is the world’s largest consumer of energy. Second, the energy sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which are a leading cause of climate change. Third, the cost of energy has a significant impact on the economy and on consumers.

The committee’s work on energy policy is complex and challenging. There are a wide range of stakeholders with different interests in energy policy, including energy producers, consumers, environmental groups, and state and local governments. The committee must balance these competing interests in order to develop policies that are in the best interests of the nation as a whole.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is a key player in shaping U.S. energy policy. The committee’s work is essential for addressing climate change, promoting clean energy development, and ensuring the reliability and affordability of energy supplies.

Environmental protection

The Energy and Commerce Committee also plays a major role in environmental protection. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of environmental issues, including air pollution, water pollution, and climate change. It also has oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies involved in environmental protection.

  • Air pollution: The committee works to reduce air pollution by regulating emissions from power plants, factories, and vehicles. It also works to promote the development of clean energy sources, which can help to reduce air pollution.
  • Water pollution: The committee works to reduce water pollution by regulating discharges from factories and sewage treatment plants. It also works to protect water resources and to ensure that drinking water is safe.
  • Climate change: The committee works to address climate change by promoting the development of clean energy sources and by regulating greenhouse gas emissions. It also works to help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change.
  • Toxic substances: The committee works to regulate toxic substances, such as lead and mercury, to protect human health and the environment. It also works to promote the development of safer alternatives to toxic substances.

The Energy and Commerce Committee’s work on environmental protection is essential for protecting public health and the environment. The committee’s work helps to ensure that the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on are safe and healthy.

Consumer protection

The Energy and Commerce Committee also has a strong focus on consumer protection. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of consumer issues, including product safety, food safety, and privacy. It also has oversight of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and other federal agencies involved in consumer protection.

  • Product safety: The committee works to ensure that consumer products are safe. It does this by regulating product design and manufacturing, and by investigating and recalling unsafe products. The committee also works to educate consumers about product safety.
  • Food safety: The committee works to ensure that the food supply is safe. It does this by regulating food production and processing, and by inspecting food products for contamination. The committee also works to educate consumers about food safety.
  • Privacy: The committee works to protect consumer privacy. It does this by regulating the collection and use of personal data by businesses. The committee also works to educate consumers about privacy risks and how to protect their privacy.
  • Consumer fraud: The committee works to protect consumers from fraud and deception. It does this by investigating and prosecuting companies that engage in fraudulent or deceptive practices. The committee also works to educate consumers about consumer fraud and how to avoid it.

The Energy and Commerce Committee’s work on consumer protection is essential for protecting consumers from unsafe products, harmful foods, and fraudulent practices. The committee’s work helps to ensure that consumers can make informed choices about the products they buy and the services they use.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Energy and Commerce Committee:

Question 1: What is the Energy and Commerce Committee?

Answer 1: The Energy and Commerce Committee is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives with jurisdiction over a wide range of issues related to energy, commerce, and trade.

Question 2: What are the committee’s main areas of responsibility?

Answer 2: The committee’s main areas of responsibility include energy policy, environmental protection, consumer protection, telecommunications, and healthcare.

Question 3: Who is the current chairman of the committee?

Answer 3: The current chairman of the committee is Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA).

Question 4: How many members are on the committee?

Answer 4: The committee is composed of 53 members, including the chairman, the ranking member, and 51 other members.

Question 5: What is the committee’s role in the legislative process?

Answer 5: The committee considers legislation and conducts oversight of the executive branch in its areas of jurisdiction. It has the power to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, and issue reports.

Question 6: How can I contact the committee?

Answer 6: You can contact the committee by phone at (202) 225-2927 or by email at

Question 7: Where can I find more information about the committee?

Answer 7: You can find more information about the committee on its website at

Closing Paragraph: The Energy and Commerce Committee is a powerful and influential committee that plays a major role in shaping U.S. policy on energy, commerce, and trade. The committee’s work is essential for protecting public health and safety, promoting economic growth, and ensuring the reliability and affordability of energy supplies.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is a valuable resource for information on a wide range of issues related to energy, commerce, and trade. The committee’s website and staff are available to answer questions and provide assistance to the public.


Here are four tips for interacting with the Energy and Commerce Committee:

Tip 1: Contact the committee staff.

The committee staff is a valuable resource for information on the committee’s work and on issues related to energy, commerce, and trade. The staff can answer questions, provide assistance, and connect you with the appropriate committee members or staff members.

Tip 2: Attend committee hearings.

Committee hearings are a great way to learn about the issues that the committee is considering and to hear from experts and stakeholders on those issues. Hearings are open to the public, and you can find information about upcoming hearings on the committee’s website.

Tip 3: Submit written comments.

The committee welcomes written comments from the public on issues within its jurisdiction. You can submit written comments by mail or by email. The committee’s website has instructions on how to submit written comments.

Tip 4: Meet with your representatives.

Your representatives in Congress are members of the Energy and Commerce Committee. You can contact your representatives to express your views on issues related to energy, commerce, and trade. You can find contact information for your representatives on the House of Representatives website.

Closing Paragraph: The Energy and Commerce Committee is a valuable resource for information and assistance on a wide range of issues. By following these tips, you can interact with the committee and make your voice heard on the issues that matter to you.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is committed to serving the public and to addressing the challenges facing our nation in the areas of energy, commerce, and trade. The committee welcomes input from the public and encourages citizens to participate in the legislative process.


The Energy and Commerce Committee is a powerful and influential committee that plays a major role in shaping U.S. policy on energy, commerce, and trade. The committee’s work is essential for protecting public health and safety, promoting economic growth, and ensuring the reliability and affordability of energy supplies.

The committee’s jurisdiction includes a wide range of issues, including energy production and regulation, environmental protection, consumer protection, telecommunications, and healthcare. The committee also has oversight of the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal agencies involved in these areas.

The committee’s work is complex and challenging. There are a wide range of stakeholders with different interests in the issues that the committee considers. The committee must balance these competing interests in order to develop policies that are in the best interests of the nation as a whole.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is committed to serving the public and to addressing the challenges facing our nation in the areas of energy, commerce, and trade. The committee welcomes input from the public and encourages citizens to participate in the legislative process.

Closing Message: The Energy and Commerce Committee is a vital part of our democracy. The committee’s work helps to ensure that our nation has a safe, reliable, and affordable supply of energy, that our environment is protected, and that consumers are protected from harmful products and practices.

Energy and Commerce Committee